Celebrate Women of Vision on April 8 with Lafayette 148
March 30, 2021

Join Lafayette 148 New York for an unforgettable event in support of Every Mother Counts featuring seven bold, courageous women of vision who can see beyond the moment to inspire and change lives.
Enjoy a lively, interactive conversation on finding hope & coming together in these unordinary times with our 2021 UnordinaryWomen: CHRISTY TURLINGTON BURNS, model and Founder of Every Mother Counts; DR. HELEN OUYANG, NYC ER Doctor & frontlines hero; KAREN CAHN, Founder & CEO of IFundWomen; KAREN BOYKIN-TOWNS, Vice Chairman, NAACP National Board of Directors; PAOLA MENDOZA, filmmaker, author, activist & co-founder of the Women’s March; SADE LYTHCOTT, CEO, The National Black Theatre & Chair, Collation of Theatres of Color; SYRA MADAD, Sr. Director, System-Wide Special Pathogens Program NYC Health + Hospitals.
Join us for this virtual event on Thursday, April 8 at 6:30pm.
Reserve your spot: https://www.lafayette148ny.com/unordinarywomen